Technofossils 🪨: Part 1 of my dissertation is an attempt to explore how motion graphics can help transfer complicated scientific research into visual language that raises awareness about environmental issues.
Technofossils are human-made artifacts integrated into the Earth's geological record, comparable to dinosaur footprints. Similar to how dinosaur bones fossilized, objects like industrial waste, cars, furniture, and smartphones may persist in the environment on a planetary scale due to their industrial or synthetic composition. 
Looking at technofossils beyond their association with waste allows us to view them as potential future anthropological and archaeological indicators of human existence.
Technofossils 🪨: Part 2 of my dissertation is an attempt to create speculative future fossils by incorporating materials from environmental pollution, technological waste, and significant social and economic events such as wars and pandemics. It also explores the contrasts between imagery and sound to create a contradictory effect of “mesmerising horror.”
Summer 2023, material research
Big thank you to Zaiba Jabbar and HERVISIONS platform for the support of this project  <3

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