Touch Designer explorations
More tests 
Houdini tests as the final learning outcomes from workshops held by Raquel Villa (Ravensbourne University'24)
Digital artefacts for ‘Remember Me?’ project (a collaborative university project with Finn Wong)
The project offers a creative take on a digital memorial that could be displayed in an art gallery. It remembers the lives of two fictional people through personal 3D objects, showing how memories can keep a person's story alive.
Creative direction, UX /UI design, visual language and research by Finn Wong
User persona 1 - George
User persona 2 - Lily
Digital jewellery exlorations
Collaboration with a still life photographer Elle Burnard
Early explorations of AR makeup / masks (hope to come back later to it with Unreal Engine)
Fun and silly live action tests for Opn festival  2024, created by weareseventeen and Ravensbourne University
Digital + physical / 3d modelling and animation in C4D + 3d printing
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